Gather around

Prevention ​Messaging ​Contest

Influence and educate others by creating a ​message (flyer, palm card, or picture, etc.) that ​illustrates awareness of the risks of Substance ​Misuse-HIV infection, the importance of Seeking ​Treatment if HIV Positive, and Risk Reduction for ​HIV Prevention.

The design will be judged based on:

  • Message Content
  • Clarity
  • Appeal


  • 1st Prize: Acer Chromebook
  • 2nd Prize: $75 gift card
  • 3rd Prize: $50 gift card
  • 4th Prize: $25 gift card

Winners will be announced June 20

Community Engagement

The contest winners will not only ​win the prizes but the messages ​will be posted and shared on ​PROCEED social media platforms!